Investor Guide

Shareholders’ correspondence or requests at the should be addressed to followings :-

Registrar & Share Transfer Agents

Skyline Financial Services (P) Ltd

D-153 A, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I, New Delhi - 110 020

Contact Person: Mr. Virender Rana

Phone: 011-26812682,83

Fax: 011-26812682

Alternatively, Shareholders may also contact Company Secretary at the :-

Registered Office of the Company at Asian Lakto Industries Limited

VPO Jandiali, Near Kohara Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana

PIN: 141112

Company Seceratary: Mr. Rajneesh Thakur

Phone No: +91-161-6611042, 2843215

FAX: +91-161-2843651

Investor Grievances Redressal

Designated Officials for Investor Grievance Redressal,

Contact Person:Mr. Neeraj Poddar (Managing Director)

Contact Person: Mr. Pawan Kumar (Chief Financial Officer)

Asian Lakto Industries Limited

VPO Jandiali, Near Kohara Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana

PIN: 141112

Phone No: +91-161-6611042, 2843215

FAX: +91-161-2843651

. Alternatively, Shareholders may also contact Compliance Officer as follows :-

Compliance Officer:

Contact Person: Mr. Rajneesh Thakur

VPO Jandiali, Near Kohara Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana

PIN: 141112

Phone No: +91-161-6611042, 2843215

FAX: +91-161-2843651